Dayz chernarus map
Dayz chernarus map

dayz chernarus map

I would use an existing online map such as and edit it to include the z coordinate in the lower bar (the bar with x y coordinates) Then I wanted to create an API for retrieving terrain height giving a point (x, y). So far I've got this map and it's obviously not perfect Anyone could open the map and in 5 seconds look for the terrain changes. So my challenge is to create an online map with an height map of Chernarus with a color pallete representing the terrain height. Now we have dozens of online maps to choose and thei have contour lines but it's difficult to read directly from it, you have to follow the lines to see if the terrain is at the same height. Since I started playing DayZ, I wanted learn the terrain, the best spots to snipe and camp.

Dayz chernarus map